2014 is ending in about 23 days and 10 hours—depending on where you are located. I’m aware that sometimes we create goals that we never achieve, and therefore, have given up on even trying—in avoidance of the disappointment of not achieving these set goals. However, I’m here to remind you that nothing moves, if nothing is moved. I dare you to move your thoughts away from the past, and focus on the possibilities of the future. If others have done it, oh yes you can do it too. I challenge you to take on this project in the provided deadline (i.e.) 12/29/2014, and then claim your gift—a spelled out at the end of this article.
It is as simple as spending one of the evenings before the year ends, and following this simple format included in the next chapter to set your goals. You are doing this for yourself and no one else. So, I encourage you to enthusiastically take on this exercise.
Here are the steps.
- Write three life-goals, in present tense, that you intend to achieve next year-2015. Life goals, are mainly what you intend for your health and wellbeing. For instance; family related goals such as better relationships, or maybe getting married, travelling, Educational goals, or having a kid; or moving to a new town where you’ve always wanted to live but procrastinated about the move. For example:
- I’m happily married to my soul mate; and we have two healthy kids together – twins, a boy and girl
- I have a great relationship with my family members. We get together every year and celebrate life.
- I am in perfect health, with the perfect weight of 158 lbs, and with a healthy creative mind.
(i) Write down the first step you will take towards achieving this goal. For example:
I have my profile set-up on eHarmony.com explaining exactly what I want in a partner.
(ii) Write down how you will feel, in present tense, when you achieve these goals.
For example: I feel alive, worthy and excited about life.
(iii) Write down three reasons why you think you deserve to achieve these goals—your driving force.
For example:
- I’m a woman, and I know I was bone to give birth to healthy kids.
- I am a loving person who deserves to share my love with a like-minded person
- I deserve a healthy mind, body, and spirit in order fulfill my life’s purpose.
- Write down three major career goal: – A business that you want to begin, an investment idea, change of jobs, job promotion, career-based training, etc. For example:
- I have a global Success Coaching business serving 1 million clients worldwide through my on-line programs, books, and Art.
- I have 3 paid bi-weekly speaking engagements in Fortune 500 companies and other publics in the US. I earn $5000 + each engagement.
- I am a bestselling Author –selling 10,000,000 copies of my life-changing books world-wide. My books are translated in 189 languages.
(i) Write down the first step you will take towards achieving this goal. For example: I have hired a professional to re-skin and re-brand my website and highlight my business values, and unique brand.
(ii) Write down how you will feel, in present tense, when you achieve these goals.
For example: I feel purposeful, worthy, and enthusiastic to create more products and services to change people’s lives.
(iii) Write down three reasons why you think you deserve to achieve these goals—your driving force. For example:
- I am highly educated and skilled, and know that I have what it takes to deliver valuable services.
- I am enthusiastic about making a difference in the world.
- I have an immerse passion to serve, and earn out of the value I offer to my clientele.
Write down a money / income related goal. This goal is about how much money you want to earn by, or before the end of 2015. I dare you to dream big. For example:
- I earn $10,000,000 annually.
(i) Write down the first step you will take towards achieving this goal. For example: I have set-up a meet-up networking group to attract like-minded people
(ii) Write down three things that you are willing to do to earn that income. Refer to your skills, experience or education: – what you know that you can do to earn that money. For example:
- Success Coaching and Counseling
- Professional Speaking Engagements
- Selling my books, audio programs and Success programs.
(iii) Write down how you will feel, in present tense, when you achieve this amount of money. For example:
I feel excited that my services, skills and values are appreciated. I feel so driven to create more value for my clientele. I feel alive and purposeful.
(iv) Write down why you think you deserve this money.
For example:
I deserve this money because I am willing to do whatever it takes to serve, and then get paid for it. I deserve abundance. I believe that it is my birthright.
I hope you get the idea. Check out the attached file with a table summarizing the goal Setting Structure. Just click on this link — Goals Structure
Good News!!!
I have an offer for you. If you can complete, and send me a copy of your goals by 12/29/2014, I will offer you a complimentary one hour’s success coaching session. Additionally, I will send you a recording with an EFT session to tap on achieving your goals. Just send your goals to [email protected].
Remember my dear friend, the way you do something, is the way you do everything. The ball is in your hands.
Love and light
Dr. Jacinta Mariah, (MBA)
Author, Professional Speaker, and Success Coach